IMs and their clients ❤️
I can’t speak for other IMs but I always feel like the relationship between an IM and their client is a really special one.
We often end up as friends, we usually stay in touch! We certainly at the very least very much appreciate *each other*!
I have a huge amount of love, tenderness and friendship for each of my clients. I feel incredibly protective towards them! I WANT them to be well, have joyful experiences, feel especially well cared for. I want them to feel able to ask me everything and anything, without worrying or feeling embarrassed. I want them to be able to be truthful if things feel like a struggle. I want them to be able to make choices that feel right to them! I want them to look back on their childbearing year for lovely memories, satisfaction and a sense that they had the support that they needed from me. And lots of that goes both ways. My clients are extremely respectful of my time, never upset if I have to rearrange an appointment because *life* and know LOTS about my own life…..because that is what happens of two humans (or more) interact with each other meaningfully.
I feel personally incredibly invested to make this stuff happen, and liking and appreciating my clients makes this all this quite easy.
I also truly don’t mind the late night panicked texts, the messages about the *little worries* and I also LOVE to get texts about little milestones, a long awaited poo 💩, the funny thing the toddler has just said about the baby or the lovely outing everyone had while awaiting the arrival of a new baby! It’s part of the job, and quite frankly a complete bonus ♥️♥️
This is why the recent restrictions to the care independent midwives can provide feel like such a kick in the teeth….caring for someone so deeply and then *abandoning them* at the most acute point in their journey feels unkind at best and neglectful at worst.
It is what it is though, and we will continue doing what we do best, individualised, relationship based pregnancy and postnatal care ♥️