Choice, but not THAT one….
In the last few days I have again been in a few discussions about choice and decision making that had people contribute that said: ‘I’m absolutely for choice and autonomy, BUT (*insert why they are not really respectful of either*)’ OR ‘I totally get informed autonomous decision making but why would anyone make THAT choice? It’s strange to make a choice that is dangerous, we should do all we can to change their minds!!’
Now listen. Choice is individual. Decision making is individual.
Some people read all the research and still decide on actions that are not supported by research to be the safest choice. For some people there are OTHER things than safety that also influence decision making heavily. Like the quality of their experience. Their mental health. Avoiding previous trauma. Etc.
Some people make decisions with their gut. They trust themselves, even without the research backing up their options. And that’s ok.
Some people do a mixture of both. Whatever floats their boat.
As HCP, we need to offer appropriate information for them to base their decision making on if they so wish. People have the option to opt out of hearing it, but they have the right to receive it if they want it. We as HCPs document this. Then we support whatever decision has been reached, even if this is a decision we ourselves would not make.
And coercion is not ok. Ever.